Des conseils de sécurité pour partir en paix

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Nous sommes nombreux à aimer la chaleur et les belles journées ensoleillées. Cela dit, si vous prévoyez un voyage ou une escapade de fin de semaine, il est important de sécuriser votre maison. Plus détails / Read More…

De la couleur pour saluer l'automne

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L'automne et ses périodes de célébrations approchent et nous sommes nombreux à songer à toute la famille bientôt réunie autour de la table de la salle à manger. Plus détails / Read More…

Pre inspection before you put your home on the market

Pre inspection before you put your home on the market (Video)

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Home Preparation Issues

Five issue to get your home ready to sale (Video)

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Top 10 Mistakes in preparing your home for sale

Avoid Mistake before you put your home on the market . (Video)

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Features that Attract Buyers

You plan of selling your home you need to attract the buyers so Carla will show you what to Do and prepare your home for selling. Need to sell let us help you and sale your home ( Video)

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Depersonalize your home

If you sale your home you need to listen to that great video that depersonalize your home , we so many time when we visit with the buyer the different you should look at this video

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Why a Home doesn't sell ?

why your home doesn't sell Lets Carla explain to you some reason 
If you wanna sell let us know we are here to help you realize your dream (Video)

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Deal makers for Home Buyers

The buyer know what they want here a nice video so you wanna sell listen the nice thing we have to share for you Francois Therrien Deal makers for home buyers


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